If you’ve been researching your next tint job, you have likely noticed a difference in pricing from one company to another. Some advertisements will show low prices while other companies can quote you a price that is significantly higher. While it may be tempting to jump at the cheapest option you see, it is important that you are fully informed about what it is that you are being offered because cheap tints will most likely leave you unhappy. You may be paying less initially but a cheap tint can cause you more money and headaches in the long run because of the following:
Lack of quality and experience
A cheap tint means it is low-quality and even a good tint that is installed poorly will quickly fall apart. Cheap tints are easily recognizable because of the bubbling, cracks and tears, which will inevitably occur with the application of a low-quality adhesive. Cheap tints use sub-standard adhesives that will fail and the film will separate from the glass and create bubbles as a result. In addition to the fact that a bad tint looks awful, it will also make it difficult for you to see out of your windows properly, so a bad tint is not only ugly but dangerous as well. High-quality tints make a world of difference, so keep that in mind.
Low-quality films age poorly
Cheap tint manufacturers use low-quality dyes that cannot handle the effects of the sun. Sun exposure will cause it to bleach or turn purple, so you need to invest in high-quality options that will last. Superior films from a reputable company will have sophisticated technology to protect the film against solar degradation, which allows them to last longer while maintaining their condition.
Hidden costs
While you may pay a low cost at first, a cheap tint will end up costing you more in the long run than if you had originally chosen a premium job. This is because the removal process of old and cracked window tints is very time consuming and the low-quality adhesive makes the job even harder. You will likely end up paying a hefty fee to get the old and gross tint removed, so it’s better to get a high-quality tint to begin with. Additionally, if you ever need to remove a high-quality tint, the process would be easy and fast.
As appealing as the cost of a cheap tint maybe, you need to consider the consequences you will have to deal with as a result. Don’t be fooled by low pricing and do your research so that you don’t regret the outcome. It’s always better to do the job right because you will only have to do it once and SRS Tinting Solutions will provide you with both quality and exceptional service. We are located in Vaughan and can help with all of your window tinting needs, so give us a call now!